属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-气象学家使用超级计算机帮助预测天气
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第236期:如何判断一个男人是否喜欢你?
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第41期:怎么让自己平静下来
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第39期:怎么应对强迫症
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第42期:玩多长时间的电子游戏算长
1 | 小人无大志。 | Little things amuse little minds. | |
2 | 小人志卑。 | Little things amuse little minds. | |
3 | 小事满足小志者./胸无大志,事事称心. | Little things please little minds. | |
4 | 小事情影响小人物。--狄斯累利 | Little things affect little minds.--Benjamin Disraeli | |
5 | 小事也要欣赏,因为日后你回顾时,可能发现它们是大事。--毕肖普 | Enjoy the little things , for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.--Rowley Bishop | |
6 | 有一天晚上,他向嘉莉吐露说,这个月的生意不如上个月做的好。他说这话来答复她提出的想买些小东西的要求。 | There came a night when he confessed to Carrie that the business was not doing as well this month as it had the month before. This was in lieu of certain suggestions she had made concerning little things she wanted to buy. | |
7 | 这件事挺让人伤心。说实话,我也没料到一把小小的吉他竟然能给十几岁的我带来那么多麻烦。 | It’s kind of sad. To be honest, it is surprising how many problems are caused by such little things in the life of a teenager. | |
8 | 这些问题对于我们来讲似乎太大了,以至于我们曾觉得无法改变现状。但是现在我们相信,只要大家同心协力,虽然每个人的努力微不足道,但是加在一起,却能为改变世界做出贡献。 | The problems seemed too big for us to do anything about them. But we decided that together, even the little things we do could add up to mean a lot to our world. " | |
9 | 这些小事情本身并不重要。 | These little things aren’t important in themselves. | |
10 | ||1:我们了解了大气的主要模式,像高速气流。但我们也知道大气中到处会产生小涡流、小气流等等。||2:这些细微变化整天不断地互相作用。||3:所以从卫星上看,就能看到大气在大范围和小范围内移动和翻腾。” | ||1:You’ve got major patterns in the atmosphere, like the jet stream, but you’ve also got little eddies, little currents, little things happening all over the place.||2:All these little changes are interacting with each other, continuously, all day long.||3:So if you look at it from above, from a satellite, you see the atmosphere moving and churning in big ways and little ways. | |
11 | 如果他做了让你开心的小事,你就能判断他是否喜欢你。如果他想一直待在你身边,那他就是喜欢你的。 | You can tell if he likes you if he does little things to make you happy. If he wants to be around you all time, he likes you. | |
12 | 我有两条人生准则:第一条,不要因为小事而不安;第二条,所有事都是小事。闭上眼睛,放松,对自己说:“所有事都是小事。冷静。”这样你会感觉好很多。 | Two rules I live by: rule number one, don’t sweat the little things ; rule number two, everything’s a little thing. So just think that, close your eyes, relax, and say, "Everything’s a little thing. Calm down." And you’ll be a lot better off. | |
13 | 有些小事即使它们看起来非常重要,但你要记住,从大局来看,那些实际上并没有那么重要。 | The little things , even though they seem super important, you just have to remember that, in the grand scheme of things, they’re really not that important. | |
14 | 再见,记住,不要为小事担心。 | Bye, and remember, don’t sweat the little things . | |
15 | “另外还有一些小的细节,”他继续讲到,“比如确保你穿的袜子两只是一样的。” | "And that little things , " he continued, "like making sure your socks match, matter. " | |
16 | “小细节,”丹尼斯重复道,笑了,这个他喜欢。 | "The little things , " Dennis repeated. He smiled. | |
17 | Erika:他为我感到自豪时,他做了很多小事,像给我们的家人或者朋友寄贺卡或者邮件什么的。 | ERIKA: He’ll do little things , like send a picture or an e-mail to our family and friends when he’s proud of me. | |
18 | 把钱浪费在小东西上,还是让我颇感烦恼。 | Wasting money on little things still bothers me quite a bit. | |
19 | 表现出一些关爱和同情,因为即使是微不足道的事情也能让这个世界焕然一新。 | Show a little Love and Compassion, because even little things can make a world of difference. | |
20 | 别计较这些琐碎的事情,好好享受和孩子一起玩的时光。 | Do not focus on these little things and have fun with your kids. | |
21 | 别为生活中的小事烦恼,或做悲观的人。 | Don’t let little things in life piss you off or be a negative person. | |
22 | 不要忽视那些令你快乐的小事,比如找到一个极好的停车位,或者在你最喜欢的短裤内摸出20美金。 | Don’t ignore those little things that make you happy, like finding a prime parking spot or $20 in the pocket of your favorite shorts. | |
23 | 此处的关键不是使用许多步骤列出的需要对HTML所做的轻微改动。 | The point here isn’t to have a twenty-two step list of little things to change in your HTML. | |
24 | 此外,所有的“一件小事情”加起来可以让你很快获得相当大的变化。 | Plus, all those "one little things " add up and you actually get to see changes fairly quickly. | |
25 | 此外我们的生活中还有一些小东西,比如名牌服装,名牌包和鞋,新手机,小配件等等等等。 | Then we have the little things , such as designer clothes, bags, shoes, new phones, gadgets, and all the rest of them. | |
26 | 从对事物进行小改变上,你知道了,这些小改变对你是有积极效果的。 | What you learn from changing little things is that you have the power to make positive change, she continues. | |
27 | 从一件小事就可以看出来,在我小时候,非常喜欢吃甜食--孩子们都这样。 | There were little things that showed it. When I was a kid I had a real sweet tooth -- we all did. | |
28 | 从自己做起,从小事做起。 | From ourselves, from the little things . | |
29 | 但如果随处出点小问题,那些本应该行得通的代码就会行不通,我不会对此感到惊讶。 | But I wouldn’t be surprised if little things crop up here and there where the code should work but doesn’t. | |
30 | 但是,花不了多少工夫,你就可以在你的厨房里种植小蔬菜或者那种可在室内种植的西红柿。 | Little things like herbs or indoor tomatoes, however, can be easily grown in your kitchen without much hassle. |